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Fetch Weather Data

Scripts can query weather data and use it for weather-dependent automation or weather alerts. Current weather data as well as hourly and daily forecasts are available.

The data includes

  • Temperature
  • Air pressure
  • Humidity
  • Degree of cloudiness
  • Wind speed (+ gusts)
  • Wind direction
  • Amount of rain
  • Amount of snow

In the web interface under the settings, the location is entered as longitude and latitude for the weather query.

How is the weather data queried?

The function GetCurrentWeather is available for the current weather. For hourly and daily forecasts, the GetHourlyWeather and GetDailyWeather functions are used.

Where does the weather data come from?

The weather data is downloaded from the Internet by our own weather service. The HomeKit bridge for KNX must therefore be connected to the internet.

In order to cover the costs of operating the messaging service, a subscription must be taken out to use it. However, this service is available free of charge during the beta phase. You will be informed in advance as soon as the beta phase is over.

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