No connection to the bridge in HomeKit

If there are problems with the connection to the devices, the following things should be checked.
1. Is the bridge connected to the network via WiFi or Ethernet?
The bridge should connect to your network via either WiFi or Ethernet. If both connection types are active at the same time, connection problems may occur. If possible, connect the bridge to your network via Ethernet.
2. Is the bridge for HomeKit accessible?
In the web interface, open the Status tab. Check whether there is a connection to the KNX gateway and whether the HomeKit bridge can be reached.
3. Can the iOS device establish a connection to the bridge?
To do this, install DNS-SD to check whether the DNS-SD entry of the bridge for the iOS device is visible.
To do this, open the app and the name of the bridge should appear under the domain “local” and the type “_hap._tcp”. If this is not the case, the iOS device is not on the same network as the bridge. Therefore it cannot establish a connection.
4. Is a control center configured for remote access in the Home app?
When connecting via the Internet, a control center must be configured. You can find out how to do this here.