Beispiel: Rollladensteuerung

In diesem Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie Rollläden zu bestimmten Tageszeiten und Raumtemperaturen geöffnet und geschloßen werden können.

 1// This script automates blinds based on the following rules.
 2// - Open blinds on weekdays at 7.30 AM and on weekend at 8.00 AM.
 3// - Close blinds 30 minutes before sunset.
 4// - Close blinds 50% if room temperature raises above 24.5°C.
 5hkknx, time = import("hkknx"), import("time")
 7// Channel sends time at 7:30 AM on weekdays.
 8sevenThirtyAM = hkknx.AtTime(7, 30, 0, 
 9                             time.Monday,
10                             time.Tuesday,
11                             time.Wednesday,
12                             time.Thursday,
13                             time.Friday)
14// Channel sends time at 8 AM on weekends.
15eightAM = hkknx.AtTime(8, 0, 0, 
16                       time.Saturday,
17                       time.Sunday)
18// Channel sends time 30 minutes before sunset.
19thirtyMinBeforeSunset = hkknx.AtSunset(-30 * time.Minute)
21// Channel receives the room temperature.
22temp = hkknx.GroupWriteNotify("0/2/0")
24// Define the group addresses to control blinds.
25openCloseAddrs = []string{"0/0/1",  "0/0/2"}
26positionAddrs = []string{"0/1/1",  "0/1/2"}
28for { // Wait for any of the events to happen.
29    select {
30    case <-sevenThirtyAM:
31		// Open the blinds.
32        hkknx.GroupWrite(true, openCloseAddrs...)
33    case <-eightAM:
34		// Open the blinds.
35        hkknx.GroupWrite(true, openCloseAddrs...)
36    case <-thirtyMinBeforeSunset:
37        // Close the blinds.
38        hkknx.GroupWrite(false, openCloseAddrs...)
39    case buf = <-temp:
40        if hkknx.ParseDPT9001(buf) > 24.5 { // is temperature too high?
41            // Set blind positions to 50%
42            hkknx.GroupWrite(hkknx.DPT5004(50), positionAddrs...)
43        }
44    }

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