Motor Locks

Front Door
HomeKit supports motor locks to lock and unlock doors. Locks are special in HomeKit as they require your iOS device to be unlocked before interacting with a lock. The Home app also sends you push notification when a lock is locked or unlocked. That’s why a motor lock is commonly used for controling front doors.
In our example we are using the following group addresses.
Address | Description |
0/0/1 | Unlocks (1) and locks (0) a motor lock |
0/1/1 | State if the lock is unlocked (1) or locked (0) |
The characteristics of the motor lock are then configured as follows.
Characteristic | Data Type | Write | Read |
State: Locked | DPST-1-19 | 0/1/1 | |
State: Unlocked | DPT-1 | 0/1/1 | |
Lock/Unlock | DPT-1 | 0/0/1 | 0/0/1 |
Note that we are using the data type DPST-1-19 for the characteristic “State: Locked”. This way the value 0 indicates that the lock is locked. The same group address is also used for the characteristic “State: Unlocked” but with a different data type.